Crazy For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) By Roxy Boroughs

51m4U+QJ+7L__BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-64,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_As it happened, getting out of bed the next morning was the first hurdle.

Brandon swung his legs over the edge of his foldout couch and groaned. His abs felt as if he’d spent the morning doing crunches. He tried to rock himself into a sitting position but the attempt left him flat on his back, sucking in air.

A different strategy was needed. Grabbing his sheet, pulling hand over hand, he hauled himself up to a semi-vertical position. Mission accomplished, he slumped over, leaning his elbows on his knees for a rest. Even that hurt.

He looked down at his legs. His inner thighs were chafed where the saddle had rubbed against him and his forearms were tense from holding onto the reins for dear life. He was glad he’d had the foresight to take out an insurance policy. Another day of this horseback riding just might kill him.

This book ended before it really started. This is the second book I’ve read of the Stampede Sizzler series, and while it may not be my last…cause I do like a nice cowboy story…this one kind of missed the mark.

Emily is a vet who mostly looks after the farm animals and is afraid of falling for another cowboy. Cowboys can be cruel on the heart, making her think she’s falling in love then pulling the rug out from under her feet. She’s sworn off cowboys for good. Except when she sees a good looking cowboy at a fancy restaurant, she just can’t help but stare.

Brandon is an actor who just so happens to work at the fancy restaurant on his off days. While he doesn’t normally dress up in cowboy garb, he is trying out for a movie part…a part in which includes rididng a horse for which he doesn’t know how to ride and just so happens to be allergic to. But, he’s willing to do anything to land the part.

Then he meets Emily and she takes his breath and sensibilities away. He thinks, because she’s staring at him that she must like cowboys. So, he tells her a fake name. Lies are told, lies are found out…but the sparks fly amongst them anyway.

I really wanted to like this book as much as the other Stampede Sizzler romance novel that I read ( ), but this one missed the mark by a long shot. While the story was okay, and there was lots of sexual tension, the book sort of ended before it could get to any good parts. There wasn’t even a hint of any sexual encounters which I would have liked to have seen.

Studded with a little bit of humour, this romance would be good for those who like their romances less HOT. While it was predicatable, it was a fair story. I just would have liked to have seen more…if you know what I mean.

3 stars.

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One response to “Crazy For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) By Roxy Boroughs

  1. Good review, Beth. I think it’s something that I might tend to avoid, all said…

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